Reinforced Concrete or Steel House?
Reinforced concrete or steel house? This question attracts the attention of everyone who wants to become a home owner every day.
If the question of reinforced concrete or steel house is answered, both building types have their own advantages. In line with different goals and requests, people can choose what they want from these two types of structures.
Reinforced Concrete or Steel House? Which is More Advantageous?
  • Between the houses created with steel structure system and reinforced concrete structures, there are issues where both types of construction are advantageous. If we compare steel houses with reinforced concrete houses:
  • In reinforced concrete, a very high number of floors can be reached. In steel houses, the number of floors that can be reached is limited
  • Since steel construction structures are lighter, they are stronger against earthquakes.
  • Both building types can be built for multi-purpose, but thanks to the advantage of the number of floors, reinforced concrete can be used for many more
  • In reinforced concrete structures, robustness cannot always be provided. However, light steel houses retain their strength as they are built practically.
  • The construction period of steel houses is much shorter than reinforced concrete.
  • "Steel or reinforced concrete cheap?" If the question is answered, steel houses provide a much higher price advantage than reinforced concrete.
  • Light steel construction houses are environmentally friendly.
  • Steel houses; It also provides protection in situations such as possible fire and lightning.
Advantages of Light Steel Construction House
  • Light steel houses provide many important advantages to its users. Advantages of light steel structures:
  • Environmentally friendly structures made of highly recyclable materials
  • It is very good in terms of energy efficiency and maintaining this efficiency.
  • Since steel is light, structures can be built even in the worst field conditions
  • Earthquake resistance makes steel houses one step ahead of other structures
  • Provides a more beautiful appearance and space saving in the interior with designs made without columns and beams
  • Houses are quite long-lived
  • They're built pretty fast
  • Its cost is very low, it provides a great economic saving
  • It has great facilities in the fields of installation and insulation.
Since the materials are ready, the construction process is not affected by climate and weather conditions
Steel house advantages, which are also seen in these articles, make steel structures very attractive. As Özok Steel, we offer you a high quality and reliable steel house construction service. You can contact us to have a house or homes suitable for your wishes and purposes.
Does the Prefab House Make Sense?
Prefabricated houses are also the buildings that the demand is increasing day by day. Thanks to its advantages similar to steel houses, it has managed to attract people's attention.
Prefabricated houses are also advantageous against earthquake compared to reinforced concrete structures. Other advantages that it provides in areas such as cost, time and durability make prefabricated houses very attractive. Prefabricated houses show similar features with steel houses. As a company, we also provide steel house services, as well as prefabricated houses with the highest quality and durability.
Prefabricated buildings can be used in a wide variety of areas. They are practical, multi-purpose and durable structures. Its use is increasing day by day, especially in high risk earthquake zones like our country.
Prefabricated House Cost
Prefabricated houses are cheaper than reinforced concrete projects. It is similar to steel houses in terms of cheapness. The costs of prefabricated structures depend on the quality and quantity of the material used in the construction phase. As Özok Steel, we offer affordable prices with the most durable materials. You can contact us for price and detailed information.
Prefabricated House or Steel House?
Steel construction house reviews are similar to those of the prefabricated houses. However, there are certain differences between the two building types. These differences are:
  • Steel column is used as carrier in steel structures and wall panels are used in prefabricated structures.
  • Heat and sound insulation is better in steel houses
  • Steel houses and prefabricated houses are resistant to earthquakes. However, prefabricated houses wear out more easily over time, regular maintenance is required. In steel houses, there is no need for regular maintenance, houses are stable against any climate and weather conditions.
  • It is possible to disassemble and install prefabricated houses, while steel houses may have some damages during these processes.
Considering these features, it will be noticed that there are issues in which both types of title are advantageous. It is possible for people to choose the type of structure they want according to their needs and purposes.
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